Eyewear Retailer – CRM Strategy Design & Implementation


International Eyewear retailer had three major problems in becoming customer centric:

  • How can we increase our Omnichannel CRM capabilities?
  • Where shall we start and what roadmap actions shall we follow for CRM Transformation?
  • What capabilities do we need to build for seamless customer loyalty?


Velox Partners has completed the following activities in a long term customer centric transformation engagement: 

  • Unification of customer datamart structure
  • Segmentation of customer value/behavior
  • CRM Software requirement analysis and implementation
  • Loyalty program structure design with benefit types and earn/burn mechanism and 3rd Party partnership scheme


  • Deeper Customer Insights: Comprehensive view of customer data for better understanding.
  • Personalized Engagement: Tailored communication strategies for higher engagement.
  • Efficient Sales Processes: Optimized workflows for improved sales management.
  • Targeted Marketing: Precise campaigns based on customer segmentation.
  • Improved Customer Service: Enhanced service through better data utilization.